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Mangaka Dream Blue Blossom, 2013 -base "simplicity is perfection"

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view post Posted on 24/6/2013, 11:28

Webtoonist & Mangaka

Roma - Aprilia



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/* Lista Utenti Attivi */
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/* Bottoni New, Poll, ecc... */
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/* Bottoni Edit, quote, ecc...)*/
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<p><a style="color:red;" href="">27/06/12: Ripristinati il 90% dei link in sezione</a></p>
<p><a style="color:red;" href="">17/10/11: A scuola di manga di Akira Toriyama</a></p>
<p><a style="color:red;" href="">10/10/11: Le basi del disegno vol.5</a></p>

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<tr title="RIGA1">
<td class="ww"><span style=font-size:x-small;font-family:Verdana>
Lo staff di Mangaka Dream non gestisce alcun tipo di affiliazione con gli autori
o le varie case editrici.<br>
E' assolutamente proibito prelevare e divulgare testi, informazioni, immagini o
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</b>I tutorial e le guide che trovate su questo forum sono state realizzate
dallo staff, pertanto non possono <br>
essere riprodotte o diffuse senza il nostro consenso. Se il forum vi piace e le
discussioni vi interessano,<br>
&nbsp;iscrivetevi e partecipate. I tutorial ci sono perchè possano esservi
utili, non per essere copiati. <br>
<u><b>Abbiate rispetto per il nostro lavoro.<br>
Copyright © 2006 - 2012 <a href="?act=Profile&MID=282732"><b>Serenity</b></a></span>

<p align="center"> <span style=font-size:x-small;font-family:Verdana> <a rel="license" href="">
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<tr title="RIGA2">
<td class="ww">
<a href="" target="_blank"> Noriko's Fantasy</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> Arina Tanemura's World</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> Versailles no Bara</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Manga Fanatics </a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Ojamajo Doremi </a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">City Hunter</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> Il forum del Disegno</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">A tutto Cinema</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> Vampire Knight</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> Ranma's World</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Nippon no Yume</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Candy Candy</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> La Stanza di Junko</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank"> Anime Knight</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Bokuragaita forum</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Naruto Ultimate</a> *

<a href=""target="_blank">Brighter than sunshine</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Hunter X Hunter</a>

<a href=""target="_blank">Elfen Lied</a> *

<a href=""target="_blank">Yaoi's Heart</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Pokelove Rainbow</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Zero no Tsukaima</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Manga Fantasia</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Yaoi Hentai Yuri House</a>

<a href=""target="_blank">Sugar Sugar Rune ~ Vanilla e Chocola, Magiche Streghe • Italian Community</a> *

<a href=""target="_blank">Anime Streaming</a> *

<a href=""target="_blank">Marmalade Boy</a> *

<a href="">Tales of Symphonia</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Yaoi Generation</a> *

<a href=""> StarlessNight</a> *

<a href="">Ranma Forum</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Ninja and Friends</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Kamiyou</a>

<a href="">Doujinshi-Planet</a> *

<a href="">Ojamajo Doremì Forum</a> *

<a href="">Otaku Girls</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Shoujo Paradise</a> *

<a href="">Ritashop</a> *

<a href="">Mare Serenitatis</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Negima World </a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Suzaku Kurugi</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">ShugoChara</a> *

<a href="" target="_blank">Ganbatte Otaku</a> *

</table></td><td class="mright"></td></tr><tr><td class="mleft_bottom"></td><td><table class="msub" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="msub_left"></td><td class="msub_center">&nbsp;</td><td class="msub_right"></td></tr></table></td><td class="mright_bottom"></td></tr></table><p>

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